miércoles, 12 de diciembre de 2018


Imaxe relacionadaOne week ago, in Andorra, one student of "La Pia"in Balaguer was missing for three days. He hadn't paid atention on teachers orders. Their course was studiing the geology of "La vall d'Incles" , a part of this country, when this studing missed.
This morning, the course, was studying the different types of rocks that are in the valley, the teacher said:
-Don't leave the limits. And this student, left them.
When the teacher said "Students come here", he didn't go and the people started to search him.Three hours later, he was still missing. and teachers called emergencys and all students went to the hote.
At the end, the rescue firefightersfound him in a little mountain refuge, he had found the refuge after 7 hours of walking.

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